Proposed Redevelopment of Jurien Bay Tourist Park - 1 (LOT 302) Roberts Street, Jurien Bay (Closed)
Posted: 04/02/2022 Closing Date: 16/03/2022 04:00 PM
Notice is hereby given that the Shire of Dandaragan has received a development application for the redevelopment of the Jurien Bay Tourist Park located at 1 (Lot 302) Roberts Street, Jurien Bay.
The development proposes the following:
- Decreasing the number of caravan/camping sites from 114 to 98 sites.
- Increasing the number of caravan/camping ensuites from 6 to 26.
- Increasing the number of chalets from 33 to 59 (including 20, two-storey, dual key, ocean fronting chalets).
- Establishing a new entry at Roberts Street with a new check in office, manager’s dwelling, and associated facilities.
- Installing a swimming pool and adjusting current recreation/cooking facilities.
- Replacing the existing café building with a new two-storey building (café/restaurant on ground level, function facility on first level).
Details of the development proposal are available for viewing at the Jurien Bay Administration Centre during normal office hours or can be downloaded from the Documents section on this page.
Submissions may be made on the proposal up to 4pm Wednesday 16 March 2022. Comments on the proposal may be submitted to the Shire in writing, via email (to, or in the Comments section below, on or before that day.
Should you require any further information or clarification on this matter, please contact the Planning Officer on 9652 0800 or
20220825 Minute Extract - Item 9.3.4 - Redevelopment of Jurien Bay Tourist Park Lot 302 (No.1) Roberts Street, Jurien Bay