Shire Community Grants

The Shire of Dandaragan Community Grants Program objective is to provide funds to community based organisations and individuals, to support the promotion and development of social, economic, recreational, art and cultural benefits for the residents of the Shire of Dandaragan. 

The Community Grants Program fund recurring and annual community grants in order to assist with:

  • Events, programs, and initiatives delivered by community groups;
  • Support community development initiatives;
  • Increase the range of events, activities and services in the Shire of Dandaragan;
  • Encourage the development of excellence and leadership in recreational, sporting, economic, tourism and cultural pursuits; and
  • Encourage the promotion of the Shire of Dandaragan’s positive attributes.

Shire of Dandaragan Community Grant round is closed.

The purpose of the Shire of Dandaragan Community Grant is to provide funds to community-based organisations in support of the development of social, economic, recreational, art and cultural benefits.

The maximum annual grant payable under this program will be $2,500. 

Applications should meet the following assessment criteria: 

Funding Objectives, funding is available for community-based events, projects or initiatives that: 

  • Promote and celebrate community spirit, connected community and resilience that bring our communities together. This can include events, projects or initiatives that recognise the value of creative and cultural arts,   
  • Facilitate and support the promotion of the region resulting in increased attraction to the Shire of Dandaragan that delivers a positive economic impact,   
  • Enhance the environment and our liveability within it,  
  • Support good governance and forward planning for incorporated associations based in the Shire of Dandaragan to deliver their objectives.  

Assessment criteria:

  • The application addresses at least one funding objective. Applications that address more than one funding objective will be scored higher.  
  • The application demonstrates community involvement in the design and implementation or delivery of the event/projects/initiatives.  
  • The application demonstrates a genuine community need for the event.  
  • The applicant provides evidence that the project or activity can be delivered and demonstrates value for money.   
  • The applicant demonstrates that they will contribute cash and/or in kind support to the level that would be expected for the event/activity/initiative being proposed. In addition, if applicable the applicant demonstrates that funding support, cash or in kind, from corporate sponsors or grant programmes from other agencies has been secured or sought.   

Funding will not be considered for the following:

  • applications that are eligible for the Shire of Dandaragan / Tronox Management Fund or CSRFF (or similar) state government infrastructure grant programme;  
  • political organisations or events;  
  • commercial enterprises;  
  • any activity or project already underway or completed;  
  • events or activities that are the responsibility of another level of government;  
  • for the openings or celebration of new community groups or premises;  
  • for applicants seeking to host an event for the specific purpose of raising funds for re-distribution to other non-profit community groups/clubs or charitable causes;  
  • applications for any activity deemed to be a component of a wider project that will ultimately result in a durable item;  
  • individuals;   
  • unincorporated community organisations; 

To submit your application, download and complete the following application form and email to

Shire of Dandaragan Community Grant Application Form (Word)

Shire of Dandaragan Community Grant Application Form (PDF)

If you would like to discuss your project idea or require further information on future funding opportunities, please contact Kayla Jones on (08) 9652 0800 or email


Art and Shine by J Triffitt

Successful 2024/25 Recipients

Community Group Event or Activity Grant $
Advance Dandaragan  Christmas Under the Gums Dandaragan Town Party  $2,500
Badgingarra Community Association  Festival of Small Halls $2,000
Badgingarra Community Association 2025 Badgingarra Community Cricket Match $1,500
Badgingarra Community Association Badgingarra Amateur Dog Trials $500
Badgingarra Community Association Badgingarra Ewe Hogget Expo $500
Cervantes Historical Society Research and Study Tour $1,000
Cervantes Primary School Cervantes Primary School Movie Night $1,000
Dandaragan Golf Club Newbies Coaching  $1,000
Dandaragan Heritage and Cultural Centre Inc Dandaragan Heritage & Cultural Committee Family Fun Day  $2,500
Jurien Bay Community Men's Shed  Jurien Bay Easter Fair $2,500
Jurien Bay Community Resource Centre Jurien Bay Community Dog Show $2,000
Jurien Bay Football Club Kidzone at Finals $1,000
Jurien Bay Progress Association Family Fun Day in Jurien Bay $2,500
Jurien Bay RSL-Sub Branch Australian Army Band Regional Concert $1,500
Jurien Sport and Recreation Centre ANZAC Day Remembrance Football Game $2,500