Environmental Grants Program

The Shire of Dandaragan Environmental Grants Program supports projects that benefit the environment and community through environmental improvement, sustainability education and the promotion and enabling of sustainable living as a way of life.  Applicants are encouraged to consider how their proposed project may address issues such as climate change, waterwise community spaces, biodiversity, recycling and waste avoidance.

The Grants Program seeks to deliver the following objectives:

  • Benefit the environment through local projects;
  • Involve the local community in project design and delivery;
  • Raise awareness and understanding of environmental and sustainability issues;
  • Support people to take action and share skills and knowledge about the local environment;
  • Build the capacity of the community to address environmental sustainability;
  • Deliver short-term, tangible, environmental results that are consistent with the Shire's long-term environmental sustainability direction.

Shire of Dandaragan Environmental Grant round is closed. 

If you would like to discuss your project idea or require further information on this funding opportunity, please contact Kayla Jones on (08) 9652 0800 or email cdo@dandaragan.wa.gov.au.

To submit your application, download and complete the following application form and email to council@dandaragan.wa.gov.au

Shire of Dandaragan Environmental Grant Guidelines and Application Form (PDF)
Shire of Dandaragan Environmental Grant Application Form (Word)

The acquittal form for the 2024 / 2025 round is available below, and acquittals are due by 4pm 30 June 2025.


Application Guidelines

Applications will be assessed, and funding prioritised against the following criteria:

  • Extent to which the project or activity benefits the local, natural environment;
  • Applicant's capacity to deliver a well-planned project, including applicant's experience, skills and time;
  • Extent to which the project or activity aligns with the Shire of Dandaragan's Strategic Community Plan Envision 2029;
  • Level of volunteer participation and wider community participation;
  • Extent to which the project provides community education and capacity building;
  • Extent to which the applicant is contributing towards funding the project or activity.

Applications will be deemed ineligible for the following:

  • Applications that are eligible for the Tronox Management and Shire of Dandaragan Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund or CSRFF;
  • Political organisations or political events;
  • Commercial enterprises;
  • Events for the specific purposes of raising funds for redistribution to other non-profit community groups, clubs or charitable causes;
  • Projects that the Shire of Dandaragan deem may have an adverse impact on the environment;
  • Projects that are directly or indirectly in opposition to the Shire of Dandaragan's Strategic Community Plan Envision 2029 or Corporate Business Plan;
  • Projects that do not have broad community support or alignment with accepted environmental scientific practices;
  • Any project or activity already underway or completed (unless it has been pre-approved for multi-year funding through this program);
  • Any project or activity on private land that is ordinarily considered to be the landholders responsibility (e.g., boundary fencing, rubbish control).

This grant program recognises that the environment and need for conservation is not confined to national parks, reserves and protected areas - it is also on private land, on verges, around businesses, roofs and other locations, and applications will be considered for projects on all types of land.

The maximum grant for any one organisation in any financial year payable under this funding program will be $10,000.  Council may allocate a project funding over multiple years where the applicant can demonstrate a compelling need.

Funding for future financial years may be pre-allocated to longer term projects in a prior year's grant round.

Evidence and quotes must be included in your application for all proposed goods, services and materials valued at $250 or more.

Each project will be required to acquit their funding at the conclusion of the project.  The acquittal report must include evidence of all expenditure and photographic evidence of works or activities undertaken.

Successful 2024/25 Recipients

Organisation Project Description Benefits / Issues Grant

Badgingarra Community Association

Street Orchard

  • Trees are beneficial to the environment and Badgingarra has a natural shortage of them.
  • Strong community education component.
  • Aligns with Shire of Dandaragan Envision 2029 Strategic Community Plan - Environmental aspirations.
  • Pests will be monitored by the BCA's gardener and handyman.
  • Mature trees have a much greater capacity to handle stress which increases the chances of this project being successful. 