Jurien Bay CBD Draft Urban Design Plan (Closed)

The Shire of Dandaragan invites your feedback on the Draft Urban Design Plan (the Plan) for the Jurien Bay Central Business District. The Shire has engaged Place Laboratory to plan a vibrant, liveable centre that achieves high utilisation and functionality, addresses community and business needs, and attracts visitors and future investment. The Plan sets out a framework for redevelopment and revitalisation of the commercial centre of Jurien Bay over the long term.

Creating long term change and revitalising the Jurien Bay CBD is not about one idea but many small changes. There are many opportunities identified within the Draft Plan. A number of these opportunities are public sector driven and others will rely on private sector investment decision making influenced by such things as market forces, buildings reaching end of life and population growth.

The Plan is the formulation of many short, medium and long-term actions. It will rely on ongoing engagement and support from local property owners, businesses and the community to succeed.

The Shire and local businesses have been discussing the Plan over recent weeks and now it is your turn.

The Shire now invites comments and feedback to create a new short to long-term vision for Jurien Bay CBD that celebrates the town. A copy of the Draft Plan can be downloaded or hardcopies are available from the Shire Administration Centre at 69 Bashford Street, Jurien Bay.  Alternatively, the Plan can be viewed at the foyer of the Jurien Bay Library.

In addition, a community workshop will be held at the Jurien Bay Education and Conference Centre at 6pm Wednesday 11 August 2021.  To attend, please RSVP to 9652 0800 or email council@dandaragan.wa.gov.au.

The public comment period will be open until 5pm Tuesday 31 August 2021 and can be made via email, letter, or in comments on this page.

If you have any queries in relation to this matter, call Rory Mackay on (08) 9652 0800 or rorym@dandaragan.wa.gov.au.