Intent to Dispose by way of Lease - Foreshore Pavilion (Closed)



In accordance with section 3.58(3) of the Local Government Act 1995, the Shire of Dandaragan hereby advises of intent to dispose by way of lease 230.9m² of retail space to Jurien Bay Beach Café Pty Ltd. This lease has previously been advertised in the company name of Lobster Hut Hospitality Group Pty Ltd which since established a separate entity to lease and operate the Café. The material terms of the lease remain the same as follows:

  1. Land: Portion of Crown Reserve 28541, situated at Corner of Roberts Street and Heaton Street, Jurien Bay
  2. Premises: Vacant space consisting of kiosk tenancy, alfresco dining and timber decking.
  3. Initial Term: 5 Years.
  4. Further Term Options: 2 further terms of 5 Years.
  5. Rent: $56,160 p.a. excluding GST (equivalent to the market valuation obtained from Griffin Valuation Advisory).
  6. Rent Review: CPI with Market Rent Review every 3 years.
  7. Proposed Business Use: Café / Kiosk for retail sale of food and beverages.
  8. Cleaning: Council’s cleaning contract will continue to service the ablution facility once daily in the morning. Jurien Bay Beach Café Pty Ltd to carry out cleaning throughout the opening hours of the Business.

Public submissions regarding the above can be made in writing to the Chief Executive Officer, via email, or post, PO Box 676, Jurien Bay WA 6516 and are to be received at the Shire office no later than 4pm Monday 16 May 2022.


Brent Bailey