Draft Amended Local Planning Policy for Advertising Devices (Signage) (Closed)

This Policy provides a framework for the design, placement and assessment of outdoor advertising signs within the Shire. This Policy intends to ensure that the display of outdoor advertising within the Shire do not adversely impact on the amenity of surrounding land while providing appropriate exposure for businesses, activities or services.  


The draft policy proposes the following changes to the policy framework for this form of development:

  • Revise policy introduction and objectives accordingly.  
  • Provide clear exemptions and interpretations.  
  • Outline signage development application requirements and when a signage strategy will be required.  
  • Outline clear protocols which apply to all signage.  
  • Outline particular areas where signage will not be supported.  
  • Provide specific protocols for common types of signage.


A copy of the Draft Local Planning Policy can be downloaded here or is available for viewing at the Jurien Bay Administration Centre, 69 Bashford Street.  


Members of the community are invited to make a written submission about any aspect of the representation review and lodge it at:
Shire of Dandaragan
69 Bashford Street
Jurien Bay, WA 6516
Email: council@dandaragan.wa.gov.au

Submissions on the Draft Local Planning Policy may be made before 4:00pm Monday 1 May 2023.


Contact Details

Name: Rory Mackay

Job Title: Principal Planning & Building Officer

Email: rorym@dandaragan.wa.gov.au