Other Funding Sources

Lotterywest Community Projects Grants

Applications can be made at any time.  These grants are available to not-for-profit organisations and local government authorities.  These grants support various types of projects. Some are small involving just a few people. Others cover the whole State.  A project can create and explore opportunities, address community issues and disadvantage, or simply raise awareness.  These grants can support all kinds of approaches to achieving your goal, for example establishing a land care project to promote sustainable living, a camp for parents impacted by substance abuse, which aims to strengthen child/parent relationships and improve health and well being, or developing resources to promote a local community focus on early childhood development.

Our grants are for projects with a start and end date, athough they can range in duration from one day to three or more years.

We often cover costs others do not fund. As well as project related equipment or supplies, we can cover time-limited operating costs, including wages, project administration, professional fees and travel. Depending on the length and potential benefit of the project, we may also support capital costs.

What we look for:

  • How the project relates to your organisation’s purpose
  • How the idea for the project came about, its community importance and expected benefits
  • Community and stakeholder support for the project
  • Strong project planning, management and expertise
  • Good governance, evaluation and learning strategies

To apply for funding, download an application form and guidelines here:


DLGC Youth Activities Grant

The Youth Activities Grants Program provides grants of up to $5,000 for local governments and community service organisations to develop and/or implement projects which will help achieve positive outcomes and support for young people (12–25 years old) locally.

These include projects that promote the engagement and participation of young people in the community and create opportunities and services accessible to all young people.

Funding of up to $5,000 is available for one-off activities or initiatives involving one or more partners and that contribute to achievement of the program objectives. For example a project involving young people in the planning and delivery of a specific community activity or workshops for young people to learn and develop life skills.

What cannot be funded

  • infrastructure and capital equipment
  • ongoing operating costs of the organisation or costs not directly related to project delivery
  • retrospective costs (any money spent before a grant is approved)
  • projects involving fundraising, unless the funds go back into the project
  • projects that duplicate an existing or similar project/service within the community (projects that build upon an existing program may be considered, but you will need to contact the grants officer to discuss)
  • projects that are traditionally funded through other sources (e.g. school activities or sporting/cultural events)
  • the cost of prizes or gifts
  • interstate and overseas travel

Contact Ms Nicola Dunstone, grants officer, Department of Local Government and Communities, on (08) 6551 8413 or at grants@dlgc.wa.gov.au  to discuss your project idea and confirm that it falls within the Youth Activities Grants Program guidelines.


DVA Veteran and Community Grants Program

V&CG are for all veterans, their spouses, partners, widows/widowers, carers, dependants and other members of the ex‑service community. Projects may also benefit the wider community. V&CG support activities and services that sustain and/or enhance health and well‑being. V&CG provide seeding funds for projects that support a healthy, quality lifestyle for members of the veteran community and assist them to remain living independently in their own homes. V&CG also provides funding for initiatives that reduce social isolation, support carers and improve access to community services.

 V&CG assist projects that will become sustainable and financially viable, or one-off projects that have an ongoing health benefit for the veteran community. V&CG are not provided for recurrent or ongoing financial assistance. 

 To be eligible for V&CG funding, an applicant must be able to demonstrate their ability to contribute to the welfare of members of the veteran community through the proposed project and be an

·       ESO

·       veteran representative group

·       community-based organisation; or

·       private organisation.. 

 Funding decisions are made on an ongoing, rolling basis. When DVA has received a sufficient number of applications or a two month period has passed, a funding round will be processed for the Minister’s decision. The funding year starts on 1 July and any applications received between then and 1 September will be submitted to DVA’s Minister for decision as soon as possible.

 To apply, read the Veteran and Community Grants Guidelines and discuss their proposed project with a Community Adviser at their local VAN office before completing an application for V&CG funding.  Community Advisers will assist in the development of the project and any subsequent application for V&CG funding. DVA staff members are available to assist with the development of applications. 


 Drug Aware YCulture Regional Grant

Drug Aware YCulture Regional offers up to $4,000 (or up to $6,000 if you live above the 26th parallel or in very remote WA) towards community arts projects that are run by young people for young people across all art forms.

This fund focuses on skills development for young people and can include music workshops, script writing and production, skills development in graffiti art, writing and illustration, dance residencies, new media and much more!

Funding can cover project costs such as artist fees, artist travel, materials, promotional costs, documentation or venue hire.

To apply for funding, download an application form and guidelines here:


Bankwest Easy Grants

Is your community group a Bankwest customer? If so, you may be eligible to apply for a Bankwest Easy Grant of up to $1,000.

For more information, see http://www.bankwest.com.au/about-us/in-the-community/lp/easy-grants

Community Heritage Grants

Grants of up to $15,000 are available for community organisations such as public libraries, museums, historical societies, Indigenous and multicultural groups to help preserve and protect nationally significant collections.

Grants help local communities to preserve and display culturally important material such as artefacts, letters, diaries and photographs.

The program also offers collection management training workshops in the regions to assist staff and volunteers preserve significant items.

The Community Heritage Grants Program is administered by the National Library of Australia, with support provided by the Department of Communications and the Arts, the National Archives of Australia, the National Film and Sound Archive and the National Museum of Australia.

Go to http://www.nla.gov.au/awards-and-grants/chg for more information.

DSR Community Participation Funding

 This scheme funds initiatives that aim to increase participation of low participation groups in sport and active recreation.  Key targeted low participation populations including culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD), People with Disability, and Aboriginal.  Amounts from $1,000 to $5,000 are available.

Grant applications must be for projects that target either 'Participation' or 'People Development' outcomes.  Participation includes how your project will increase the physical activity levels of target groups who currently have low participation rates.  People Development includes how your project will improve the skills of the volunteers or staff of your organisation or community group that is targeting low participation groups.

Grants are open year round, and the Department of Sports and Recreation (DSR) will advise if your project is successful in gaining funding within six weeks of receipt of application.

Sport and recreation community organisations/clubs and other community not-for-profit organisations can apply for funding.

Funding can be used for 

- Running of programs

- Coaching clinics

- Volunteer training

- Coordinators

- Coaching courses

- Referee/Umpire courses.

To discuss your project concept, or to obtain help to complete your application, please call 9492 9700 or email cpfenquiries@dsr.wa.gov.au or visit http://www.dsr.wa.gov.au/funding/regional

DSR Community Sport Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF)

The purpose of the program is to provide Western Australian Government financial assistance to community groups and local government authorities to develop basic infrastructure for sport and recreation.  The program aims to increase participation in sport and recreation, with an emphasis on physical activity, through rational development of sustainable, good quality, well-designed and well-utilised facilities.

Through CSRFF, the State Government will invest annually in the development of high-quality physical environments in which people can enjoy sport and recreation.

There is $12 million available for allocation in the 2019/20 funding round. 

There are three types of CSRFF grants – small grants, annual grants and forward planning grants.

The Shire of Dandaragan may contribute up to one third of the total project cost (maximum of $50,000) (see here)

If you require further information on funding partnerships and opportunities, please contact the Club Development Officer at the Shire of Dandaragan Administration Office on (08) 9652 0800 or email clubdo@dandaragan.wa.gov.au.

Application forms and guidelines are available on the Department of Sport and Recreation website: 
