Minor Review of Envision 2029 Strategic Community Plan and Corporate Business Plan (Closed)

Envision 2029 was adopted by Council in 2019 as the Shire's suite of high level strategic documents after a significant period of public consultation.  The Envision 2029 Strategic Community Plan (SCP) is supported by the Corporate Business Plan which provides an overview of the current operating environment, and addresses the range of key projects and initiatives to be undertaken over the proceeding 4 years to contribute to the delivery of key objectives outlined in the strategic plan.

The Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 and Integrated Planning Framework guidelines require a major review of the SCP every 4 years with a minor desktop review to be undertaken 2 years after the major review.

As part of the review process, the Shire commissioned a community survey to be undertaken in late 2020.  

Following the release of these results and over the past 6 months, the Shire has been reviewing the content of the SCP and CBP as part of the minor review process.

The updated draft plans are now available for viewing and we invite your comments and thoughts on the documents - do the draft plans reflect the direction you would like us to take?  Do the projects and initiatives in the plans reflect where you would like us to be?  Is there anything missing?

The Envision 2029 SCP and CBP are available for public comment until 5pm Friday 8 October 2021.  Comments may be made here on the website, or alternatively emailed to council@dandaragan.wa.gov.au or via post to the CEO at Shire of Dandaragan, PO Box 676, Jurien Bay WA 6516.

The below timeline indicates each phase of the minor review and we encourage you to have your say.