Jurien Hall Municipal Heritage Review (Closed)

The Jurien Hall is recognised in the Shire of Dandaragan's Heritage Inventory as a place of value to the community.

The Hall has been used as a community building and meeting place for many generations since its construction in 1971.  Over recent years, the building's use has declined as community activities have gravitated towards other more modern and suitable venues, and since the Jurien Bay Youth Group went into recess.

Council is now seeking community input on what the future holds for the Jurien Hall.  A more detailed assessment has now begun, and we would like to know the community's views on the future of this building.  No decisions have been made by Council.  The online survey below, and other community engagement activities - including a workshop - will inform the decision-making process for the future of the Jurien Hall.

Have my say - Jurien Hall (online survey)

Please complete this survey by 4pm Friday 26 November 2021 (a hard copy is available for download in the Documents section of this page).  Surveys will also be mailed out to all Jurien Bay post boxes, and available at the Shire Administration Centre in Jurien Bay, Turquoise Coast Visitor Centre, Badgingarra Community Centre, Cervantes Library and Dandaragan Library from 28 October.  Please return all hard copies to the Shire Administration Centre in Jurien Bay, or leave in the boxes available in the above locations listed.

Note: since the mailing out of the original survey, the closing date for comments has been extended to 4pm 26 November.

Contact Details

Name: Michelle Perkins

Phone: 9652 0800

Email: council@dandaragan.wa.gov.au