I have served two terms as a Councillor with the Dandaragan Shire, it’s a privilege to serve the people of our Shire. I work with several committees within the Shire, bring their issues forward, to be actioned on at Council. I travel every road within the Shire, and some twice every year. I’m a member of the Wheatbelt Secondary Freight Network working party, looking to fund 4000kms of roads, across 42 Shires making our country roads safer. I also promote better aged and health care through our Shire, as we are an aging community. Increase the profile of our local High School, so we can hold our middle age group within our Shire. This is very important for the future moving forward. Importantly, I am involved in the promotion of tourism within our Shire. If elected I will work hard for the betterment of our Shire and ratepayers.

Postal Address: 1 Proton Place JURIEN BAY 6516