Scheme and Strategies

Local Planning Scheme No.7 is currently in force within the Shire of Dandaragan. The Scheme consisting of the Scheme Text and Scheme Maps is a statutory document which sets out objectives, development standards and provisions for the use, development and protection of land within the Shire. The Scheme divides the Shire into zones to identify areas for particular land uses and distinguishes land reserved for public purposes. The Scheme is aligned and should be read in conjunction with the Shire's local planning strategies adopted by the Western Australian Planning Commission (linked below), which outlines the long-term planning direction for the Shire. 

The Scheme Text & Maps is available from To access click on Information and services - Local planning - Local Planning Strategies, Schemes and Structure Plans - find Dandaragan, Shire of - Local Planning Scheme 7.

Click here to view the Deemed Provisions which form part of every local planning scheme in Western Australia.

Click here to view State Planning Policy 7.3 - Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) which is to be read as part of the Scheme.

The purpose of the R-Codes is to provide a comprehensive basis for the control of residential development throughout Western Australia. Please note that any variation to the 'deemed-to-comply' provisions of the R-Codes requires the submission of a Development Application to be assessed by Planning staff against its merits and relevant design principles.

Local Planning Strategy

The purpose of the Shire’s Local Planning Strategy is to outline a 10-15 year planning direction for the whole of the Shire in the context of the State’s land use planning framework.  The Startegy also provides the rationale for land use zoning and planning provisions for amendments to the existing Local Planning Scheme No. 7 or a comprehensive review of the current Scheme leading to a new instrument (as required by the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015).

The Strategy comprises two parts.

Part One - Strategy sets the vision and objectives for the Shire and provides longer term direction for land use and development strategies.

Part Two - Background Information and Analysis includes a profile of the Shire, and data and analysis related to the key planning issues outlined in Part One.

The Strategy was prepared in accordance with the State Planning Strategy, Wheatbelt Regional Planning and Infrastructure Framework and Guilderton to Kalbarri Sub-Regional Planning Strategy.

Click here to view the Local Planning Strategy 2020

Click here to view the Jurien Bay City Centre Strategy Plan 2012

Click here to view Jurien Bay City Centre Strategy Plan - Land Use Map

Click here to view the Tourism Local Planning Strategy 2012

Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaption Plan (CHRMAP)

As the town-sites of Cervantes and Jurien Bay are identified at being of risk of coastal erosion the Shire of Dandaragan has adopted a CHRMAP in accordance with State Planning Policy 2.6 - State Coastal Planning Policy and supporting guideline documents. The CHRMAP provides a plan for implementation of recommended adaptation options over the next decade, to 2030 with a strategic view on the likely adjustments over the next century, to 2110.

Click here to view the Shire of Dandaragan CHRMAP

Click here to view the Cervantes Coastal Hazard Map

Click here to view the Jurien Bay Coastal Hazard Map

Click here to view CHRMAP FAQs

Structure Plans & Local Development Plans

Development and subdivision of land in the Shire of Dandaragan may be subject to controls defined in Structure Plans, Activity Centre Plans or Local Development Plans.

Structure Plans, Activity Centre Plans and Local Development Plans are typically proposed by the owner of land and lodged with the local government. The local government is then responsible for advertising the proposal and assessing it, taking into account any submissions received during the advertising process. In the case of Structure Plans and Activity Centre Plans, Council then makes a recommendation to the Western Australian Planning Commission on whether or not the plan should be approved. The Western Australian Planning Commission makes the final determination on the plan. Council is responsible for making the final determination on whether or not a Local Development Plan should be approved.

Please note that due to recent regulatory changes, any adopted 'Outline Development Plans', 'Subdivision Guide Plans', or 'Development Guide Plans' are now referred to as Structure Plans. Similarly, plans that were formerly referred to as 'Detailed Area Plans' are now referred to as Local Development Plans.

Local Development Plan - Lot 62 Roberts Street, Jurien Bay

This Local Development Plan sets out the specific and detailed development standards for the future development on the subject Tourist zoned property and should be read in conjunction with Schedule 4 - Special Use Zone 4 of the Scheme.

Click here to view the LDP

Turquoise Coast Structure Plan

Turquoise Coast Structure Plan 

Development Plan 1 October 2004

Development Plan 2 November 2007

Development Plan 2 Part A June 2008

Development Plan 3