Dog Information
Dog owners are asked to adhere to the following guidelines in relation to their dogs, within the Shire of Dandaragan.
- Dogs MUST be held on a leash at ALL TIMES when in public.
- Dogs MUST be confined to the property at all times (day and night).
- ALL dogs are to wear current registration tags AND the name and address of the owner of the dog.
- Dogs are not permitted to create a nuisance by persistently barking or acting in a manner which is contrary to the general interest of the community.
Dog owners have a legal responsibility to keep their dog under control at all times. There are substantial penalties for owners who fail to control their dogs or allow their dog(s) to behave in a manner which is not acceptable by the community.
Infringements may be issued for offences under the Dog Act, or legal proceedings may be taken for certain matters relating to the control of Dogs. The Local Laws pertaining to Dogs can be viewed by clicking on the following link (Pages 154 to 178) Local Laws
Additional information regarding dogs is available by clicking these links;
Frequently Asked Questions - Dogs
Dog Licence Application Renewal Form
Application To Keep More Than The Prescribed Number Of Dogs Form