Infill Sewerage Project
February 2013
This $3.7 million project was awarded to the Shire of Dandaragan to install a Pump Station “C” and Rising Main to reticulate the visitor/civic and health precincts in Jurien Bay. Infill sewerage is particularly important in this area given the coastal location, high water table and sandy/limestone geology.
The project will have the following direct benefits:
- enable development of the funded Visitor and Civic Precinct project due to government requirements to be connected to reticulated sewer;
- enable new development, design diversity and subdivision opportunities on low density residential lots based on rezoning and more intensive development;
- enable new development potential for current vacant land highlighted in strategic plans for future health and aged care services; and
- improve ground water quality, as it will allow existing septic tanks to be removed, which is critical given their close proximity to the coast.
Cardno has been appointed as the lead consultant for this project and has completed preliminary plans including staging for potential future roll out. Survey and geotechnical work has commenced on the pumping station site. This will contribute to the scoping report required by the Water Corporation.
The Shire of Dandaragan is keen to explore the opportunity to work with the Water Corporation to maximise the reticulation area and the number of lot connections as part of this project.

Figure 1: Infill Sewerage staging plans from Cardno (2012). Stage 1 (funded) is indicated in blue.

Figure 2: Visitor and Civic Precinct and Health and Aged Care Precinct sites (as highlighted in the Jurien Bay SuperTowns Growth Plan) are included in Stage 1 of the Infill Sewerage project.
March 2015
This update is to inform you of the Jurien Bay Infill Sewerage Project (Stage 1) which was successfully funded through the SuperTowns program.
The project originally went to tender in October 2014, however all tenders received exceeded funding levels. The construction of the project was delayed as further funding was sought and subsequently received through Royalties for Regions and the Southern Investment Initiative.
In February 2015 the Shire was successful in receiving an additional $1.06 million of funding under this Royalties for Regions funded program. The undertakes the total funding of the project to $4.76 million.
For further information on this funding arrangement please see:
The project was readvertised for tender in March 2015 with tenders closing in early April 2015. Award of the tender is expected late April 2015 with works to commence early May 2015.
This project is expected to be completed by late 2015.
For further information on this project please contact the Shire's Executive Manager Infrastructure, Mr Garrick Yandle on 08 9652 0800.