Community Resource Centres
Dandaragan Community Resource Centre
The Dandaragan Community Resource Centre is located in the town of Dandaragan.
The Dandaragan Community Resource Centre is a not for profit community based organisation, run by a management committee and a paid staff member who provide access to computers, high speed internet, video conferencing, education and training and core Shire services as well as co-locating with Health WA - community nurse and West Midlands Group.
Dandaragan Community Resource Centre (Inc)
Dandaragan Road
PO Box 8
Dandaragan 6507
Business Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 4 30 pm
Phone: (08) 9651 4071
Fax: (08) 9651 4540
Services provided by the Dandaragan Community Resource Centre include:
- High Speed Internet Access
- TAFE Enquiries and training
- Equipment and Room Hire
- Photocopying
- Booklet production
- Colour copies
- Faxing
- Scanning
- Laminating
- Secretarial Services
- Video Conferencing – coming soon
For a full listing of services contact the Community Resource Centre on the above listed number.
Jurien Bay Community Resource Centre
The Jurien Bay Community Resource Centre is a not for profit community based organisation, run by a management committee, volunteers and paid staff who provide access to computers, high speed internet, video conferencing, education and training as well as Government information and referral services.
Jurien Bay Community Resource Centre (Inc)
96 Bashford Street
PO Box 384
Business Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm
Phone: (08) 9652 2425
Fax: (08) 9652 1713
The Jurien Bay Community Resource Centre is a non-profit community based organisation, run by a management committee, volunteers and a paid coordinator which provides resources and technology to rural communities which are usually difficult to access.
Services provided by the Jurien Bay Community Resource Centre include:
- High Speed Internet Access
- Centrelink Agency
- Westnet Agency
- Country Arts, ICAN Community Arts Group coordination
- Government Information and Referral Service
- TAFE Enquiries
- Design & Print Services
- Equipment and Room Hire
- Photocopying
- Faxing
- Secretarial Services
- Video Conferencing
For a full listing of services contact the Community Resource Centre on the above listed number.