Consultation Outcomes
Envision 2029 Strategic Community Plan
Since August 2018, the Shire has been undertaking public consultation and drafting the new Strategic Community Plan (SCP) – Envision 2029.
Throughout the development of this draft SCP there has been a multi-layered approach to public consultation to ensure a wide range of opinions, priorities and views of the community have been considered.
Envision 2029 is the highest level document in the Shire’s suite of integrated planning framework documents. It provides the Vision, Strategic themes and high level aspirations for the community which will guide the development of the Corporate Business Plan containing a higher level of detail in regards to projects and initiatives which will be implemented to address the strategic themes.
Throughout the variety of consultation approaches there were a number of recurring themes and initiatives that have been situated under the following headings: 1) Environment 2) Infrastructure 3) Prosperity 4) Community. Featuring underneath each key theme are a suite of aspirations / desired future states which are fully detailed within the SCP. These are supported by key actions and activities that will be expanded on with particular initiatives, projects and strategies in the Corporate Business Plan and resourced through annual budget processes. Future decision making and opportunities assessment will also be considered against these key themes to align the community’s future vision with the operations and direction of the Shire.
Youth Plan
Over 2016-2017, we consulted with young people around our four towns to determine how they would like the Shire to support and work with them. This Youth Plan is the result of that consultation and was written after identifying the interests, issues and aspirations of young people around the Shire.
The Youth Plan was adopted by Council at the 28 March 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting.
To view the Youth Plan, click here.
To view the Youth Plan Appendix A (Action Plan), click here.
Youth Space / Skatepark Workshops
Thank you to everyone who attended the workshops on 8 March 2018.
We had a very positive response and we gained a lot of information from the people who attended. We will now work with our Consultants who will gather all the ideas and suggestions together to come up with some draft designs and proposal for a location for the facility.
We are aiming for these to be available for viewing at Spray the Grey Youth Festival on 18 April 2018 at Dobbyn Park.
As discussed at the workshop, we are still seeking funding for the development of the facility and nothing is confirmed as yet.
We will keep you updated at each stage.
If you did not attend but would like your name to be kept on file related to this project, please get in contact with us and we will add you to our youth space community.
We would like to stress, that this will need to be a real community effort with people willing to get involved and make it happen. If you did come to the workshops, share the vision with your friends and family so that we have as many people on board as possible.
Other Outcomes
To view the outcomes of other consultation, and decisions made by Council, please see the Council Meeting Minutes.