Applying for a Vacancy

The Shire of Dandaragan has a variety of employment types including full and part time, casual, temporary (fixed term) contract, maximum term contract, apprentice and trainee. All of the Shire's open employment opportunities appear under the Current Vacancies section of this website.

Selection process

The Shire applies the principles of merit and equity in all recruitment processes. Candidates will be selected for interview based on their ability to demonstrate to the selection panel that they have the required skills, experience and qualifications asked for in the job advertisement.

The Selection Process is your opportunity to showcase your personal attributes, skills, knowledge, experience and above all - your suitability for the job you’re applying for. Make sure you’ve done your research and show your enthusiasm and passion. Before applying you should read all the attachments so you clearly understand the requirements and the application process for that position.

Resume and cover letter

All positions will require submission of a cover letter and resume as a minimum. These documents should clearly demonstrate how you meet the requirements outlined in the job advertisement. Do not leave anything open to interpretation. Some key things to remember:

Cover letter

  • outline your suitability against the requirements of the role;
  • may also be used to provide more detail on sections of your resume;
  • should be one to two pages in length.

Don’t forget to check your spelling and grammar!


  • ensure your resume is current;
  • resumes may be tailored to the position to showcase your skills and experience relevant to the role;
  • include the dates of your employment and arrange in chronological order (most recent first);
  • provide a short explanation of any gaps - for example maybe you went on a 3 month holiday or took time off to study;
  • use dot point format to display your responsibilities and achievements in each role;
  • contact your referees and confirm their contact details and advise them that you are applying for a position; and
  • make sure your contact details are correct, clearly displayed and professional.

Selection criteria

If selection criteria are required, you MUST address them to be eligible for an interview. Selection criteria can be found in the “Important Information for Job Applicants” section of the Information Package.

Your statement addressing all of the criteria should be in a separate document. Restate each criterion and then write underneath how you meet it and provide examples using the STAR method. This method will help you structure your response so that it paints a clear picture of the situation, actions and outcome. (There are many guides to the STAR method available online).

  • S - Situation (What was the situation?)
  • T - Task (What was the task that needed to be completed?)
  • A - Action (What did you do and how did you do it?)
  • R - Result (What was the outcome or end result?)

The interview

If you are selected for interview, you will be notified by telephone and a confirmation email will be sent after the call. Here are a few things to consider before the interview:

  • Take note of the correct time and location. Make prior arrangements to ensure you arrive in plenty of time and are prepared.
  • Do some research so you have a good understanding of the organisation and the position.
  • You can ask for questions to be repeated or rephrased if you do not hear it correctly or fully understand what they mean during the interview.
  • Provide answers in a clear and concise manner, staying on topic.
  • The STAR method (see ‘Selection Criteria’ above) can also be used when answering interview questions such as, “Tell me about a time you provided great customer service”.
  • There are many websites, articles and tips for interviews available online.

Difficulties with applying

Should you experience any difficulties applying for vacancies you can contact the HR Coordinator via or on (08) 9652 0800. The Shire’s Information Packages for vacancies are uploaded in PDF format however, documents are also available in alternative formats such as print, large print, verbally and electronic format (emailed) upon request to the HR Coordinator ( or (08) 9652 0800).

What if there are no vacancies on the website?

Vacancies at the Shire come up on an ad-hoc basis. At times there will be several vacancies advertised and at other times there will be few or none. This is due to many internal factors and differing team requirements that arise throughout the year. Please visit the Current Vacancies section regularly to see when suitable jobs arise.

If there is an advertised vacancy that is not appearing on the Shire's website please contact the HR Coordinator at or on (08) 9652 0800.